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자동번역툴이 공급되고 심지어 AI까지 탑재된 자동번역프로그램들의 보급은 전통적인 번역회사들의 작업 방식에 큰 변화를 가져오고 있고 번역가들의 활동에도 많은 영향을 끼치고 있습니다. 많은 번역가들이 위축되고 있고 심지어 기술이 부족한 번역가들은 이미 자리를 잃고 있습니다.

그러나 한샘글로벌의 입장은 단호합니다. AI까지 지원하는 자동번역툴이 무서운 속도로 발전하고 있지만, 기계번역의 결과를 확인하고 승인해 주는 최종 작업자는 오직 인간 번역가 밖에 없습니다. 지역에 따라 문화에 따라 민감한 표현을 걸러내 주고 정제해 주는 것은 기계가 아니라 사람입니다. 생명과 연관되는 분야에 필수적인 정확성을 체크할 수 있는 것은 분야 전문성을 가진 사람입니다.

우수한 번역가들이 있어야 번역 회사도 생존합니다. 그래서, 번역 회사인 한샘글로벌은, 번역가들을 귀하게 여깁니다. 우리는 상호 의존적인 파트너쉽으로 묶여 있으니까요.

함께 일하는 번역가들과 신뢰관계를 구축하고 장기적인 협력이 가능할 수 있도록, 한샘글로벌은 번역가들에게 필요한 도구, 교육, 그리고 지원을 아끼지 않습니다.

한샘글로벌 베트남지사는 베트남어, 태국어, 말레이어, 미얀마어, 인도네시아어에 특화된 우수한 번역가풀을 확보하고 있고 그들과의 파트너쉽을 공고히 할 수 있도록 1년에 하루, 프리랜서 데이를 개최하고 있습니다. 그들의 고충도 듣고, 서로가 소통하면서, 어떻게 서로 발전해 갈 수 있을지를 생각하는 자리인거지요. 한샘글로벌 베트남에서 보내온 ‘2023 프리랜서 데이’의 기록을 공유합니다.

Scripted by
Hansem Vietnam


Hansem Vietnam is proudly back in full swing, operating at 100% capacity after navigating the challenging landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. We couldn’t have this successful comeback without our dedicated and talented freelancers, the backbone of our success. To express our appreciation and provide valuable insights, we recently hosted our second Freelancer Day 2023, a virtual affair powered by the wonders of online platform.

On December 23rd, despite the physical distance, the virtual gathering exuded warmth and enthusiasm, showcasing the enduring connection between Hansem and our exceptional freelancers, transcending geographical boundaries.

The event started at 9:30 am with our CEO, Mr. Il-hong Kim, who welcomed the freelancers with a heartfelt welcome and gratitude for their contribution in 2023. The baton was then passed to our event host, Ms. TuongVi, who recapped Hansem Vietnam’s achievements in 2023 and honored the top 5 outstanding freelancers for their hard work.

To enhance our freelancers’ skills and provide valuable support, we curated two presentations alongside some engaging activities. The first presentation, led by Mr. Anh Le, focused on “Tips & Tricks for a Smooth Translation Process”. This segment serves as a comprehensive guide for freelancers to navigate online CAT Tool platforms more seamlessly and efficiently while working on translation projects. Additionally, it provides valuable tips on resolving issues related to termbase, style guides, or internet connectivity to enhance the overall translation process.

The second training, led by Ms. TuongVi, centered on “Mastering Translation Excellence: Identifying & Rectifying Common Errors”. While our freelancers are undoubtedly talented, Ms. TuongVi addressed common errors made in 2023 and provided insightful examples. Plus, she gave tips on avoiding these slip-ups using CAT Tools’ integrated features. Before the training ended, Ms. TuongVi added an interactive quiz titled “Translation Errors and Where to Find Them” with freelancers enthusiastically participating for exciting bonuses. We believe that armed with this knowledge, freelancers will significantly reduce the occurrence of errors.

The final presentation was conducted by Mr. Anh Le, which was “BM Introduction”. Brace yourselves because, in 2024, we’re taking things up a notch with Plunet, our internal management system. No more drowning in a sea of emails – all projects will be recorded on the system, making tracking and checking a breeze.

To ensure everyone was on the same page, we wrapped things up with a Q&A session that left no stone unturned. We had freelancers covered from all angles – questions, issues, support, advice – you name it. And six freelancers with the most intriguing questions walked away with some sweet bonuses.

As the virtual curtains closed on Freelancer Day 2023, a sense of accomplishment and shared joy lingered in the digital space. Despite the online format’s challenges, the event showcased the resilience of our partnership. At Hansem Vietnam, we hold the deepest gratitude for all the freelancers who have been pivotal to our success throughout 2023. Your unwavering dedication and hard work have undeniably made a significant difference.

If you’re a freelancer seeking a reliable and supportive translation company to showcase your talents, we invite you to share your CV with us at cs_hsvn@hansem.com. We value the unique skills you bring to the table. Together, we’ll build on the foundation of our shared achievements and create even more remarkable milestones. Cheers to the exciting road ahead!


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