현지화 전문 기업 한샘 – 세계 100대 기업 및 30대 초고속 성장 기업 리스트에 이름을 올리다

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전 세계 현지화 산업은 270억 달러의 규모로 계속 성장세에 있는 만큼 업계 트렌드에 대한 리서치가 꾸준하게 진행되고 있습니다. 오늘은 미국 현지화 전문 리서치 기관인 Nimdzi에서 발표한 2020년 기준 세계 100대 언어서비스 제공 기업 리스트 (Top 100 Largest Language Service Providers)에 국내 기업으로는 유일하게 한샘이 이름을 올렸다는 소식을 전해 드립니다. 뿐만 아니라 Nimdzi가 선정한 30대 초고속 성장 기업 (The 30 Fastest-growing LSPs)에도 당당하게 이름을 올렸네요. 늘 그래왔듯이 앞으로도 현지화 업계에 대한 전문성과 고객 중심의 프로젝트 관리 전략으로 한국의 현지화 업계를 선도하는 기업으로 자리매김하겠습니다.

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순위와 리포트 내 주요 정보에 관한 내용은 아래 영문 게시글을 참고해 주세요.

Hansem Listed as the Top 30 Fastest-growing LSP and No. 1 LSP in Korea!

Nimdzi Insights, a world-renowned market research company, has announced its list of the top 100 language service providers (LSPs) for 2020, and Hansem is proud to be ranked as the #1 LSP in Korea. Of the top 100 global players in the Nimdzi 100, Hansem is the only Korean LSP on the list. The list, which is considered an industry standard, uses revenue data to find out who the biggest LSPs in the world are; and this year, we ranked 94th!

Hansem ranks 94 in the world according to the latest Nimdzi report.

Apart from compiling a list of the most influential LSPs this year, the report also addressed emerging challenges and key trends for 2020. At Hansem, our localization experts are dedicated to helping you navigate the current landscape of the market and growing your business.

Asian Entertainment Market on the Rise

It comes as little surprise that the Asian entertainment market is exploding on the scene, especially when it comes to cinema and gaming. With “Parasite” taking home the Oscar for “Best Picture” and e-sports in Asia receiving more attention, it’s hard not to notice the rise of Asian entertainment on the global stage.

Everyone is keeping an eye on the growing audiovisual and entertainment industry

Investment in the Asian film industry is an economic necessity, now that China’s film market size is about to outsize its American counterpart. This shows how linguistic, social, and cultural barriers are slowly being broken down as people are embracing different cultures. This is just one example of the rising need for Asian language localization.

Hansem Is here for You

Our expanding range of services and growing client base also helped us enter Nimdzi’s list for the 30 fastest-growing LSPs in 2019.

Going global requires more than just translation. At Hansem, our ambitious strategy involves constantly following end-user trends from the early stages to reach a wider audience. We know how important it is to be ahead of the curve when it comes changes in the industry, and we are fully prepared to welcome the growth of the media and game localization but also keep pace with all your marketing and localization needs. We have both the scalability and capacity to handle projects in Asian languages and help you reach a larger global audience.

Hansem is among the 30st fastest-growing LSPs in 2019.

To read more on the Nimdzi rankings and the state of the industry, visit https://www.nimdzi.com/2020-nimdzi-100/


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