Last updated: March 26, 2024

Welcome to HansemGB’s Terms of Use. These terms outline the rules and regulations for using our website.

Interpretation and Definitions:


Words with initial capitals have specific meanings defined here, regardless of singular or plural usage.


  • “Service”: Refers to our website, HansemGB.
  • “Company”: Refers to Hansem Global, Inc., located at 530 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618.
  • “You”: Individual or entity using our Service.

Acceptance of Terms:

  • By accessing or using our Service, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use. If you disagree with any part of the terms, you may not access the Service.

Intellectual Property:

All content, trademarks, and intellectual property rights on the Service are owned by the Company. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute any content without permission.

User Content:

You are responsible for any content you post on our Service. By posting content, you grant the Company permission to use, modify, and distribute it.


You may not use the Service for any unlawful purpose or violate the rights of others. You may not engage in any activity that disrupts or interferes with the Service.

Limitation of Liability:

The Company is not liable for any damages arising from your use of the Service. We are not responsible for any third-party content or websites linked to our Service.


You agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any claims arising out of your use of the Service or violation of these Terms of Use.

Changes to Terms:

We may update these Terms of Use, and your continued use of the Service constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Governing Law:

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of California, United States.

Contact Us:

If you have questions about these Terms of Use, you can contact us at