Hansem Global: Korea’s Sole Language Service Company to Enter the Global Top 100 LSP List

In the realm of international language services, prominent research organizations include CSA Research, Nimdzi Insights, and Slator, each playing a pivotal role in publishing the annual Global Top 100 Language Service Provider (LSP) rankings. These rankings serve as vital reference materials within the translation industry. Hansem Global stands as the sole translation company representing Korea and has consistently secured its position within the Global Top 100 LSP list.

CSA Research

CSA Research, founded in 2002 in the United States, is an independent market research institution specializing in the global content and language services market. With a revenue of over $50 billion, CSA employs its proprietary methodology for data collection and analysis, providing reliable statistics and consulting programs.

Hansem Global has been included in CSA Research’s Top 100 Language Service Providers, ranking 69th in 2023 and 20th in the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, Hansem Global is recognized as one of the global top 20 manufacturing LSPs.

Recognized as Global Top 20 Manufacturing LSPs by CSA

Nimdzi Insights

Established in 2017 in the United States, Nimdzi Insights is a market research institution specializing in the language services industry. Comprising analysts, LSP experts, research specialists, and M&A professionals, Nimdzi focuses on market research and consulting services. Nimdzi’s reports provide insightful content on the current and future prospects of the language industry, market trends, and new technologies.

Hansem Global has been featured in Nimdzi’s annual ‘THE 2023 NIMDZI 100: THE RANKING OF THE TOP 100 LARGEST LANGUAGE SERVICE PROVIDERS’, ranking 99th in 2023 and previously recognized as one of ‘The 30 Fastest-growing LSPs’ in 2020.

Recognized as Global Top 100 in 2023 by Nimdzi


Founded in 2015 with headquarters in Switzerland, Slator is an international research company conducting independent research on technology used in global translation, localization, and language industries. Slator constructs the Slator LSPI (Language Service Provider Index) and categorizes companies into Super Agencies, Leaders, Challengers, and Boutiques based on revenue size.

Hansem Global has maintained its position as a Global Top LSP since being ranked 59th in Slator’s 2019 report and was recognized as a 2024 Challenger, ranking 79th in the Global Ranking according to Slator’s 2024 report.

Recognized as 2024 Challenger, Global 79th in 2024 by Slator


Being included in the Top 100 LSP rankings by international language service research organizations is both an honor and a responsibility for Hansem Global. From its inception in Korea to its growth alongside Korean companies, it has now become a global language service company representing Korea. Hansem Global will uphold this honor and responsibility, striving to be a steadfast partner as more Korean companies venture into the global market.