Audio Educational Materials for Global Manufacturer’s New Product

Discover how Hansem Global helped a global consumer electronics manufacturer convert traditional visual sales-support materials into engaging audio content. This innovative approach enabled the client’s global sales teams to learn about new products through easy-to-understand audio formats, enhancing accessibility and comprehension across diverse regions.

Discover how Hansem Global helped a global consumer electronics manufacturer convert traditional visual sales-support materials into engaging audio content. This innovative approach enabled the client’s global sales teams to learn about new products through easy-to-understand audio formats, enhancing accessibility and comprehension across diverse regions.

Project Summary

One of Hansem Global’s clients is a global company with hundreds of branches worldwide. It manufactures and sells products for various industrial sectors while placing its main focus on consumer electronics. As our client released a new product recently, they were considering new ways to approach sales material and were especially interested in audio formats that would allow sellers from all of their global branches to learn about the product through listening, just like on a popular audiobook app.


To develop new audio content, Hansem Global had to convert the existing “visual” format of sales materials to an “auditory” one. However, when simply reading and recording the text, it felt unnatural because the content didn’t flow naturally, so it was difficult to understand. Therefore, the main goal was to make an audio file that could be understood by anyone. Moreover, for some regions where audio files have not been popularized as educational tools, this learning method could present a problem.

Our Solutions

Transforming Visual Materials into Audio-Friendly Scripts
Hansem Global changed the previous “visual” format file, which was composed of images and text, into a text-only file to make a script that flowed naturally. For images, we determined which images were essential and converted them into text that describes them to help listeners.

We unified the text to be on a single level because the original visual format materials had various levels such as headings, subheadings, and body text. This complexity made it difficult to convert directly into audio. By creating a script that flows smoothly, we ensured the audio content is clear and easy to follow for listeners.

Originally, the sales guide included various visual elements like charts and images with different levels of headings and subheadings


Enhancing Audio with Visual Elements
We added visual content to the audio files for additional visual representation to create videos for some regions where the audio format is not popular as an education method. Although it is originally just an audio file, we wanted to help listeners feel like they are “watching a video.”

We added visual content to the audio file


The final audio file created by Hansem Global received favorable reviews, as it provided an accessible educational format suitable for all regions. We considered local standards for educational materials across different cultures, ensuring the content was well-received globally. In regions where podcasts and audiobooks are popular, users appreciated being able to listen while multitasking. In areas where video materials are more common, the added visual elements were praised for their familiarity and engagement.

Hansem Global’s tailored approach demonstrated our commitment to understanding and meeting the client’s unique needs, resulting in a solution that was positively received by sales teams worldwide.