Advancing Machine Translation in Finance: Hansem Global’s Pioneering Korean-English Style Guide

Hansem Global has spearheaded the development of Korea's first Korean-English translation style guide tailored specifically for the financial sector, significantly enhancing the accuracy and professionalism of machine translations. This case study demonstrates how the introduction of this specialized style guide has transformed financial document translation, ensuring compliance with legal standards and improving AI-driven processes.

Adopting Hansem’s style guide led to high-quality translations, efficient AI data generation, and cost-effective processes, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.

Project Summary

  • Translating financial documents such as financial reports, contracts, and audit reports demands strict accuracy in terminology and adherence to legal requirements, highlighting the importance of specialized knowledge in the financial sector.
  • The use of AI translation engines requires domain-specific data training to ensure precision and appropriateness in translations, underscoring the need for generating or evaluating translation data against well-established industry standards.
  • To maintain professional quality and accuracy in translations, the implementation of a specialized English style guide tailored to the financial domain is crucial.


Accurate Use of Financial Terminology and Legal Compliance:
One of the primary challenges in translating financial documents such as financial reports, contracts, and audit reports lies in ensuring the accurate use of specialized financial terminology and strict adherence to legal standards. This requirement is critical because inaccuracies can lead to significant consequences, including legal liabilities for the clients. Therefore, maintaining precision in both language and content compliance is imperative.

Domain-Specific Training for AI Translation Engines:
The application of AI translation engines in the financial sector necessitates domain-specific data training to ensure that the translations are not only linguistically accurate but also contextually appropriate for the financial industry. This challenge is particularly demanding because financial documents require a high level of expertise and understanding of the sector’s nuances. Effective training of AI systems is essential to handle the complexity of financial language and its regulatory environment.

Our Solutions

Development of a Specialized Style Guide
Hansem Global’s team of professional linguists, leveraging their extensive experience and specialized knowledge in the financial sector, has created the first Korean-English style guide specifically tailored for Korea’s financial industry. This guide provides comprehensive guidelines that ensure the accurate use of financial terminology, thereby improving the quality of translations. The creation of this guide marks a significant advancement in setting new standards for financial translations in Korea.

Legal Compliance and Regulatory Adherence
In addition to developing a style guide, Hansem Global has implemented a stringent approach that prioritizes legal compliance. This approach guarantees that all translations strictly adhere to the regulatory requirements of each country and region where the documents will be used. By doing so, Hansem Global ensures that their translations are not only accurate but also legally compliant, minimizing the risk of regulatory issues for their clients.

Enhancing Machine Learning with Quality Data
The Korean-English financial style guide developed by Hansem Global serves a dual purpose. It not only aids translators in producing more accurate and professional translations but also acts as a benchmark for generating translation data for machine learning applications. Furthermore, it provides a framework for evaluating the suitability of existing data, thereby enhancing the overall quality and reliability of automated translations in the financial sector. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for continuously improving translation accuracy and meeting the evolving needs of the financial translation market.


By adopting this style guide, the client has been able to deliver consistently high-quality translations, while also being able to efficiently generate and evaluate training data for AI translation engines. The reduction in decision-making time has led to decreased project duration, which translates into reduced translation and proofreading time and costs, ultimately resulting in more cost-effective translation. Moreover, these achievements have produced high levels of customer satisfaction and laid the groundwork for long-term trust. In short, Hansem Global has opened up new horizons for sector-specific translation, particularly by facilitating a qualitative leap in financial translation.