Hansem Global’s Commitment to Social Philanthropy

Explore the heartfelt journey of Hansem Global’s philanthropic efforts. Delve into the core values of gratitude and consistency driving their impactful initiatives, touching the lives of underprivileged youths and fostering community growth. Witness the profound impact of their support, illuminating brighter futures and reinforcing their enduring commitment to social responsibility.

The Foundation of Our Philanthropy

For me, philanthropy has been a long-standing tradition, extending back even before the founding of Hansem Global in 1990. As our clients evolved into global enterprises, Hansem Global similarly experienced rapid growth. I’ve been fortunate; the company has flourished with few setbacks, supported wholeheartedly by our clients who have shared and tackled challenges with us. While times have changed and client relationships have evolved into more stringent assessments of cost and quality, I still find myself nostalgic for the days of open and collaborative problem-solving.

Rooted in Gratitude

I was wonder why we’ve been so fortunate or why our clients continue to prosper and work seamlessly with us. For me, the answer has always been clear: gratitude. From an early age, I was sensitive to the plight of those less fortunate, and this sense of compassion, combined with a deep appreciation for our success, led me to actively engage in social giving.

Beginning Our Philanthropic Journey

In 2004, we embarked on a structured approach to philanthropy, starting with the Jinhae Comprehensive Social Welfare Center. At that time, the center was supporting after-school activities for underprivileged children and adolescents. Many of these young individuals had no one waiting at home, no warm meals prepared, and no one nearby to help with their studies. The center began assisting local youths by providing them with snacks, study materials, and most importantly, a safe place to spend their after-school hours. In 2008, this organization changed its name to the 1318 Happiness Base Regional Children’s Center and started a more systematic youth care project. The center primarily needed financial donations to continue its activities, as funding was essential.

Consistency Over Magnitude

I initially donated one million won (equivalent to 1,000 dollars based on past exchange rates) monthly. During a particularly profitable year, I considered increasing this amount significantly. However, the director advised maintaining the current level of support, emphasizing the importance of consistency over magnitude to ensure long-term planning and execution. Many companies start with substantial donations but often cease support due to financial changes, making even modest, continuous support invaluable.

Maintaining Our Promise

At that time, I made a resolution. If there was a place that needed our help, and we started to support it, then we would continue to do so to the end. We have kept that promise ever since. Our commitment to giving began in 2004 and has continued up to the present in May 2024. There have been years when the company did not always earn a profit, including years where we faced billions in losses. Yet, we have never ceased our donations during these times. By the end of last year, our cumulative contributions had reached approximately 220 million won (equivalent to 220,000 dollars based on past exchange rates).

(Images of teenagers participating in after-school activities at the center)

The Impact of Our Support

The joy of seeing former participants of the program progress to university and even visit Hansem Global is profound. It’s a testament to how a small gesture can significantly impact lives, illuminating a part of society that might otherwise remain in shadow. It’s gratifying to see our contributions being used effectively by the welfare center.

Why We Continue to Give

Corporate philanthropy is a vital way for a company to fulfill its social responsibilities. It’s not merely about the intent or efforts of the CEO or the employees; it’s also about the societal and economic stability that fosters our collective growth. Our sustained social contributions are a testament to our belief that supporting our surrounding community positively influences the social fabric that surrounds Hansem Global. This commitment is why Hansem Global continues its philanthropic endeavors.