As electronic devices become more prevalent, the role of paper manuals has diminished, and the demand for electronic manuals, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere, has increased. This shift has become widespread globally, with web and app manuals being the most prominent examples.
Electronic manuals have now emerged as crucial elements that significantly enhance the user experience beyond being simple guides. In this post, we will explore the key differences between web and app manuals, the environments in which they are most suitable, and the current trends driving their popularity.
ㆍWhat are the main differences between web manuals and app manuals?
ㆍWhich environments are each best suited for?
ㆍWhat are the current trends, and why are they significant?
ㆍHow do the production methods differ?
Definitions: Web Manuals and App Manuals
Web Manuals are online user guides accessible through an internet browser. Users can obtain the information they need by entering a specific URL or through a search engine. On the other hand, App Manuals are help guides or instructions provided within a particular application. In this case, the user must install and run the application to view the content.
Key Differences
Web manuals offer the advantage of being accessible anytime, anywhere, as long as an internet connection exists. This convenience allows users to find the exact information easily across various devices. Conversely, app manuals can only be accessed within the application, meaning the app must be installed, and access is often unavailable offline.
Interface and User Experience
Web manuals are typically used on larger screens such as desktops or laptops, making viewing lengthy text or complex graphics easier. They can include various layouts and multimedia content, though the user experience may vary depending on the browser and screen size. On the other hand, app manuals are frequently used on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. They are optimized for the app’s UI/UX and provide a more consistent user experience, seamlessly integrated with other app functions.
Updates and Maintenance
Web manuals can be updated in real-time on the server side, allowing users to access the latest information without additional steps. In contrast, app manuals can only reflect new content when the app itself is updated.
Content Delivery
Web manuals offer extensive information and easy access to related pages or external resources through links. App manuals, however, provide concise, necessary information specific to the application’s use.
Suitability for Different Environments
When is a web manual more convenient? When is an app manual more advantageous?
Web manuals are helpful when access from various devices is necessary, real-time updates are essential, and internet connectivity is always available. App manuals, however, are highly useful in environments where internet access is limited or unstable (e.g., on a plane or in remote areas). They are also beneficial when closely integrated with a specific application, allowing users to view the manual while using the app.
Current Trends: Web Manuals
In most consumer product categories today, web manuals are preferred. The reasons are clear:
Accessibility: They can be accessed easily from any device connected to the internet.
Real-time Updates: Users always receive the latest information, mainly when product features or details change frequently, building greater trust with consumers.
Search Functionality: It is easy to find the needed information quickly.
Global Reach: It is easier to offer manuals in multiple languages. The language can automatically change based on the user’s location or be easily selected, making it more convenient for international customers.
Multimedia Content Integration: Web manuals can incorporate images, videos, animations, and other multimedia content, providing a richer user experience.
For these reasons, web manuals are currently more popular and preferred. However, app manuals still have their advantages, especially when offline access or tight integration with an application is critical.
Differences in Production Methods
Web manuals are created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are designed responsively to display appropriately on various devices. The content is managed through a web server, allowing real-time updates and easy multilingual support.
App manuals are provided within an application and implemented using native code consistent with the app’s UI/UX. They are stored locally for offline access, and content updates are distributed through app updates. While app manuals require more specialized personnel and higher production costs, they can be advantageous in specific products and scenarios.
Hansem Global’s Competitive Edge
Since 1990, Hansem Global has focused on manual production as a core competency, creating Since 1990, Hansem Global has been a leader in manual development, particularly in the electronic realm.
Our electronic manuals, such as the Phone Usage Guide App Manual and the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) App Manual, stand out for their unique features. The Phone Usage Guide Manual, for instance, introduced an interactive feature that allowed users to set functions on their phones through real-time interaction with the app. The SMT Manual, on the other hand, was designed for workers involved in semiconductor chip mounting processes, enabling them to check equipment settings and usage offline.
Our web manuals started as the industry’s first smartphone web manuals for a big global maker in Korea and have since evolved significantly in usability and search functionality. Today, they are available in over 50 languages.
With our extensive experience and technical expertise, Hansem Global can create any manual format. Specifically, our proprietary TransEZ solution allows us to develop print and web manuals simultaneously. For more on this topic, please refer to our blog post, “Revolutionizing Web Manuals.”
If you’re considering transitioning to web manuals to meet global trends efficiently, contact Hansem Global for more information.