High-Speed, High-Quality Oncology Marketing for RenovoRx

In this case study, we detail Hansem Global's rapid and precise localization of RenovoRx’s oncology marketing materials for diverse Asian markets. Our approach highlights the effective combination of specialized linguistic expertise and advanced technological resources to meet stringent deadlines without compromising quality.

Understanding the importance of culturally relevant content, Hansem Global included document designers in the team to localize images within the slides.

Project Summary

RenovoRx, a company specializing in oncology treatments, faced a challenge in expanding their market reach to Asian countries. They needed their marketing slides, which contained intricate medical information, translated into various Asian languages. The primary challenge was to maintain high translation quality while meeting a tight deadline.


  • The main objective was to translate and localize RenovoRx’s oncology-related marketing slides without compromising on the quality of translation, despite the short turnaround time.
  • The target languages were various Asian languages, which required not only linguistic expertise but also cultural adaptation.

Our Solutions

  • Specialized Linguists
    Recognizing the complexity of the content, Hansem Global assigned linguists with specialized knowledge in oncology. This ensured that the translation would be accurate and contextually appropriate.
  • Utilization of TMS System
    To expedite the process without sacrificing quality, Hansem employed its proprietary Translation Management System (TMS). This system enabled multiple translators to work in parallel, streamlining the workflow and significantly reducing the turnaround time.
  • Localization of Images
    Understanding the importance of culturally relevant content, Hansem Global included document designers in the team to localize images within the slides. This step was crucial for ensuring that the translated documents were not only linguistically but also visually adapted to the target markets.
  • Quality Assurance Processes
    To maintain high translation quality, rigorous quality assurance processes were implemented. These included multiple rounds of reviews and cross-checks to ensure accuracy and consistency across the translated materials.


The client, RenovoRx, was highly satisfied with the results. Hansem Global successfully delivered the translated and localized marketing slides within the stipulated time frame. The quality of the translation met RenovoRx’s high standards, demonstrating Hansem Global’s capability to handle complex medical translations under tight deadlines.