Key Considerations for Font Selection in International Content

Ever wondered why choosing the right font for international content is crucial?

Selecting fonts haphazardly can lead to copyright conflicts and negatively impact both user experience and brand reputation. Hansem Global specializes in providing the perfect font solutions for localization, tailored specifically to our clients’ unique requirements. For a secure and impactful entry into the international market, Hansem Global’s localization expertise is invaluable.

Key Reasons to Be Selective with Fonts in International Content

When crafting content for a global audience, it’s imperative to pick fonts wisely, keeping in mind country-specific regulations and copyright concerns. Inappropriate font choices can detract from the user experience. Furthermore, ignoring national regulations and copyright issues can result in legal complications and damage to your brand’s credibility.

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios that illustrate the importance of careful font selection:

Example 1: In Punjabi content, using a font designed for the Devanagari script can cause character misrepresentation since Punjabi uses the Gurmukhi script.

Character misrepresentation in Punjabi text

Example 2: Exporting product manuals to mainland China with fonts non-compliant with GB standards can lead to regulatory breaches.

Example 3: Utilizing unauthorized free fonts in corporate materials can spark copyright and contract disputes.

Addressing these issues effectively requires a deep understanding of specific character systems, national regulations, and font copyrights. Handling the diverse range of fonts across languages is a complex task that demands extensive experience.

Hansem Global stands ready to facilitate your rapid global market expansion.

We provide advanced publishing solutions, custom-tailored to various languages and media, aiding several global brands in achieving seamless international communication.

The Complexity of Font Selection for Indian Languages

India’s linguistic landscape is incredibly diverse, with 1,599 recognized languages and 22 official languages by its constitution. This diversity extends to scripts, including Devanagari, Bengali, and Marathi, each with distinct features.

Navigating font usage in Indian scripts requires extra caution due to numerous unforeseen factors. This is particularly challenging in various software, browsers, and operating systems.

Even language service providers often struggle with these complexities. However, Hansem Global has developed robust systems to address these challenges in all localization processes, not just translation. This ensures we effectively handle issues as they arise during project execution.

For example, a client project required consistency in UI text across different formats (Gujarati, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Oriya, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, and Hindi). We went beyond basic validation. Leveraging our extensive localization experience, we re-examined the fonts at each stage, identifying character discrepancies that had previously gone unnoticed.

Character errors in Telugu script

In cases where precise UI font information was unavailable, we proposed strategies to minimize licensing issues and maintain media consistency. This approach was not only approved by the client but also adopted by other companies, guided by Hansem Global’s standards.

Hansem Global’s thorough understanding of character features, fonts, and software interactions allows us to deliver consistent results across various media platforms.

While there are many reasons to avoid generic font usage for global content, Hansem Global offers comprehensive solutions to these challenges. Our extensive font library caters to languages worldwide, complete with accurate licensing that adheres to international standards. We produce superior multilingual content through specialized design and stringent quality control. With Hansem Global, your content is assured of consistent quality and effectiveness, no matter the medium.