Why Choose Hansem Global for User Manual Translation?

Proven Industry Leadership

Hansem Global has over 30 years of experience as a trusted partner for global brands like Samsung, demonstrating our expertise in user manual translation. This experience ensures deep understanding of technical communication nuances across various industries.

Comprehensive Service Delivery

Our process includes everything from technical writing to final quality assurance, allowing us to manage all production aspects efficiently and deliver perfectly aligned manuals that meet technical and quality standards.

Cultural Precision and Quality Control

We conduct rigorous functional testing and cultural adaptation to ensure each manual functions flawlessly with its device and resonates culturally with its audience. This approach guarantees high engagement and user satisfaction.

Benefits of Translating and Localizing Your Product/User Manuals

  • Improved User Experience

    Localized manuals enhance understanding, leading to smoother user experiences and increased satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Brand Perception

    Demonstrating commitment to diverse customer bases builds trust and loyalty, positively impacting brand perception.

  • Increased Compliance and Confidence

    Adherence to regional regulations and standards builds confidence and mitigates risks in global markets

Our Translation Services

Technical Document Translations

Prevent confusion and errors with clear, accurate translations of technical documents. Our expert translators handle product manuals, user guides, service manuals, specifications, and research papers. With specialized knowledge in engineering, IT, and manufacturing, we ensure precise and easy-to-understand translations.

User documentation translated for easy understanding

Document Design & Tech Illustration

Hansem Global offers Document Design & Technical Illustration services for global product manuals, ensuring clarity, cultural sensitivity, and universal engagement. Services include detailed technical illustrations, engaging document design, industry-specific expertise, user-focused layouts, and compliance with standards.

Multilingual DTP

Hansem Global offers Multilingual Desktop Publishing (DTP) services, including post-translation DTP, typesetting, file preparation, multimedia localization, and PDF remediation. Our expertise covers 200+ languages and ensures accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

TM & TB Management

Streamline your translation and localization efforts with translation memory (TM) and termbase management. These services, including Translation Memory to leverage past translations, UI string, and Termbase management to drive consistency, are designed to optimize your translation processes, saving you time and resources.

Optimizing translation processes with TM and Termbase Management


Rely On Our Rigorous Quality Assurance Process

Trust in Hansem Global's stringent quality assurance, which upholds international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 17100, ISO 18587, ISO 27001) to ensure that each translation achieves accuracy, fluency, and cultural appropriateness.

Access the World's Finest Linguists with Hansem Global Language Network

Our approach prioritizes human expertise, connecting you with linguists who are not only language experts but also deeply understand cultural nuances and specific domain requirements. With a network spanning over 200 languages, we enable global reach and cultural connectivity.