Enhancing Quality Services by Strengthening Data Science Capabilities

Hansem Global provides excellent translation services by assembling a team of dedicated professionals with expertise in IT and data science. By leveraging our expertise in data analytics, we aim to meet the diverse needs of leading global companies and provide high-quality results using cutting-edge technology and a data-driven approach. Strengthening Partnerships Through more than a […]

Your 15-Point Checklist for Asian Localization

Thinking of expanding into Asia? Strategic localization will get you there but localizing for Asia presents unique challenges. For example, linguistic complexities, cultural differences, and varying consumer behaviors can pose significant barriers for foreign businesses looking to grow here. In this guide, we’ll describe why to localize for Asia, explain the complexity, and simplify the […]

What is a Certificate of Translation?

As business and legal requirements become increasingly complex worldwide, the importance of precise translations grows. Certified translations are crucial for legal, immigration, educational, and business purposes, serving as official documents that meet the legal standards of various countries. This article will explain why certified translations are necessary, describe the qualifications required for professionals who provide […]

Global Standards, Local Expertise: Hansem Global’s Certified Translation Services

As global corporations look to enter the Asian markets, the demand for precise translation of legal and technical documents has surged. Hansem Global’s Certified Translation Service meets these needs, helping businesses successfully establish themselves in Asia. This article will discuss the necessity of certified translations, their future outlook, and the role international standards play in […]

e-Learning Localization: Your Guide to Inclusive Global Training Programs

Adjusting company training for a global team presents a unique challenge: though English is widely used in business, only 20% of the worlds’ population speak it fluently, and only 5% are native English speakers. What’s critical is that there’s a noticeable difference when someone learns in their native tongue, even for those who speak English […]

Best Practice In Legal Translation: When Accuracy Meets Professionalism

Legal translation is no joke. It requires not only linguistic proficiency but also a deep understanding of legal terminologies and procedures. A single mistranslation can lead to severe consequences, such as immigration denials, contract disputes, and even court sanctions. That’s why it is crucial to work with a trusted language service provider that has a […]

34 Years of Redefining Asian Localization at Hansem Global

Thirty four years, countless languages, and one mission: to make information not just accessible but truly understandable for people everywhere. From developing our first fax machine manual to pioneering global communication solutions, this is Hansem’s story of bringing high-quality user experiences to consumers globally. Hansem Global has navigated the evolving landscape of language, culture, and technology […]

What You Need to Know About Machine Translation and Post-editing

Google Translate can be a great help when you travel abroad and need to have a quick conversation with the locals. ChatGPT comes in handy when you encounter an article written in a language you do not speak. Many other similar “machine translators” help to break down the language barrier so that you can shop, […]