The Power of Marketing Translation with Hansem Global

Discover how Hansem Global’s expert marketing translation services can elevate your brand’s reach and impact in international markets. Learn about the key differences between marketing and technical translation, and see how Hansem Global’s experience with leading global brands like Meta, Moloco, RenovoRx, and Unity ensures culturally adapted and persuasive content that resonates with diverse audiences. […]

Exploring the Power of Hansem Global’s Creative Marketing Design

Discover how Hansem Global’s retail marketing support materials can transform your sales strategy. With over 30 years of experience in developing engaging educational resources, compelling designs, and multilingual content, Hansem Global equips businesses worldwide to expand their market reach and boost sales effectiveness. What are Sales Support Materials? Ever marveled at how effortlessly retail staff […]

Transforming B2C Sales Training with Gamification

Selling new stuff in today’s crowded market?Great salespeople are only part of the answer. In the past, manufacturers might have relied on their best salespeople to sell anything. But now, it’s important to train your sales team on new products. Why? Because salespeople talk directly to customers. They need to be able to explain new […]

Designing Effective Hands-on Workshops to Drive Global Sales and Marketing

Hands-on workshops – live events where people learn how to use a product in a store –have emerged as an effective and compelling sales and marketing strategy for many B2C companies. These sessions not only make getting to know the product easy for potential new customers but also boost the brand loyalty of existing ones. At Hansem Global, […]