Navigating Global Compliance: The Integral Role of User Manual Translation and Localization Services

Discover the critical role of user manual translation and localization in meeting global regulatory compliance. Learn how Hansem Global leverages expertise and technology to ensure your international product manuals adhere to local regulations.


Transforming Documentation: Hyundai Mobis’ Simultaneous Publishing System for Infotainment Manuals

Explore how Hansem Global partnered with Hyundai Mobis to revolutionize infotainment manuals, delivering multilingual, user-friendly documentation optimized for web and print. This case study showcases Hansem’s expertise in automotive technical documentation and their impact on global automotive standards.


Driving Innovation: Hyundai’s Fuel Cell Electric Truck User Manual

Launching Hyundai’s pioneering Xcient FCEV truck, Hansem Global developed an innovative, user-friendly manual that redefines industry standards. This comprehensive guide not only meets international regulations but also enhances user accessibility and understanding, heralding a new era for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.


Transforming Cloud Platform Guides: From Technical Complexity to User-Centric Information

Explore the journey of Hansem Global as they revolutionized Naver Cloud Platform's intricate technical guides into user-friendly manuals. Delve into this case study to uncover the obstacles faced and the innovative solutions devised to craft accessible cloud service guides, ultimately elevating user experience and minimizing inquiries.

Naver Cloud Platform

Streamlining Complexity: Hansem Global’s Strategic Reduction of EV Manual Content for Hyundai

Discover how Hansem Global collaborated with Hyundai to transform electric vehicle manuals, reducing complexity while improving usability and compliance. Learn about our innovative solutions that led to significant cost savings and set a new standard in EV manual design.


The Art of Localization: Samsung Electronics’ Multilingual User Manual Project

Discover how Hansem Global partnered with Samsung Electronics to tackle multilingual manual challenges, accelerating market entry globally. Explore our case study for insights into effective communication strategies!

Samsung Electronics

Website Localization Services at Hansem Global for SailPoint

Hansem Global specializes in comprehensive website localization services, focusing on enterprise-grade identity and access management solutions. This case study showcases our approach with SailPoint, a leading software company known for its robust security solutions.


Software and UI Localization Services at Hansem Global for McAfee

At Hansem Global, we manage a vast array of software and UI localization projects, translating over 20 million words annually, including 5 million from English to Korean. This case study highlights our specialized software and UI localization services, particularly our collaborative work with McAfee—a globally recognized leader in security software and hardware.
